Suddenly Single
Every year, millions of women – old and young – find themselves unexpectedly in the role of widow or divorcee. This adjustment can be filled with stress and uncertainty.
Because women tend to live longer than men, most will experience a single lifestyle at some point in their lives (source). Finding themselves unexpectedly single – whether widowed or divorced – causes women to grapple with grief, confusion, and often a loss of identity.
Beyond the emotional fallout, they are frequently faced with a series of financial, legal, and even domestic challenges. They may find themselves suddenly responsible for 100% of the financial decision-making, often for the first time in their lives.
In particular, the period after a spouse or partner’s paycheck runs out and before Social Security and other retirement benefits become available can be especially stressful. Even for those who are financially solvent, the fear of running out of money is a genuine concern.
At Godfrey Financial Associates, we provide professional support for suddenly single women, at any stage in her journey.